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4. RJ, it worries me that you knew what star sign he was so quickly. Usually that sort of knowledge over here is associated with tree-huggers or horses hoofs.
just because I'm one too...
Can we finally get back to the TOPIC
Who is likely to show up for Imola? How much are we willing to spend on tickets (general admission is a nightmare in Imola)?
I'm so close to confirming but the issue with MCSF Jr etc is still up in the air.
Tickets - best we can get as far as I'm concerned. I'm coming a long f'n way so I don't want to get stuck behind a post or get stuck next to air horn blowing Krauts!
Remember too in your planning that we would need to be in the area Wednesday or so of that week to hang at the factory and take part in any/all activities we can arrainge with Minardi.
If I take MCSF Jr then Mrs MCSF has to come along. Then I will not be able to oogle Fabiana openly.
Besides, when I talk to my friends inside Faenza the first question is "when are we going to see your family again?" I don't think they really care about me at all - they just like my wife and kid.
Definately in with the possiblity of Mrs 'Rule, if she lays off the Mc/Button fixation...........
In terms of tickets etc can the Team help with any contacts/ suggestions? but however much it costs is OK.
Is Wednesday too late for factory etc? I'd thought about flying in on the Monday to give plenty of time to see factory andf have some quality Italian time. Again can Team recommend/pull strings with hotels?
Flights from UK are dirt cheap to Forli airport (£1.99+tax) which is conveniently down the road from Imola & Faenza.
Going to be great:D:D:D:D Where is everbody else?
I expect most of the above questions to be answered by MCSF;)
Alrerady looking into the" pull " issue on the items you listed. I was hoping GCM would invite us all to stay at his place to be honest.
he must have a bloody castle then to accommodate so many of us, nah, best thing is to take a hotel in bologna or modena, trains are really good in that part of italy
he must have a bloody castle then to accommodate so many of us, nah, best thing is to take a hotel in bologna or modena, trains are really good in that part of italy
1) how many days do you want to stay? 2) sleeping in Faenza? If they invite you everyday in the factory, maybe... seriously, it's not a good idea. Small town and boring (unless you're crazy about ceramic)
This is the kind of local info we need (and I'm happy to go withe the local advice) but as long as there are some good local restaurants and a semi decent hotel I'd be happy enough.
Also would Faenze be cheaper than bigger/better known places like Bologna & Modena?
Although I am TOIFM (The Other Italian Forzaminardi Member - hey, I could change my nick into TOIFM), I'm afraid I'm not gonna make it to Imola, also because I already booked tickets and flight to Bahrein for GP before (april 3).
But if anyone is around the Gulf area in those days, I'll be happy him to join me!
[Edited on 16/12/2004 by Clown]
Please, go on:P:P:hehe:
... can you stop it with that disgusting photo of your uncle!? :o :spank:
[Edited on 16/12/2004 by FlyingPanda]
Can we finally get back to the TOPIC
Who is likely to show up for Imola?
How much are we willing to spend on tickets (general admission is a nightmare in Imola)?
Tickets - best we can get as far as I'm concerned. I'm coming a long f'n way so I don't want to get stuck behind a post or get stuck next to air horn blowing Krauts!
Remember too in your planning that we would need to be in the area Wednesday or so of that week to hang at the factory and take part in any/all activities we can arrainge with Minardi.
Besides, when I talk to my friends inside Faenza the first question is "when are we going to see your family again?" I don't think they really care about me at all - they just like my wife and kid.
In terms of tickets etc can the Team help with any contacts/ suggestions? but however much it costs is OK.
Is Wednesday too late for factory etc? I'd thought about flying in on the Monday to give plenty of time to see factory andf have some quality Italian time. Again can Team recommend/pull strings with hotels?
Flights from UK are dirt cheap to Forli airport (£1.99+tax) which is conveniently down the road from Imola & Faenza.
Going to be great:D:D:D:D Where is everbody else?
I expect most of the above questions to be answered by MCSF;)
2) sleeping in Faenza? If they invite you everyday in the factory, maybe... seriously, it's not a good idea. Small town and boring (unless you're crazy about ceramic)
Also would Faenze be cheaper than bigger/better known places like Bologna & Modena?
Also less likely to be TOIT obsessed?
We'll just have to set an example then.
But if anyone is around the Gulf area in those days, I'll be happy him to join me!