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USA converting into Hispanic territory?

The city of Los Angeles (=The Angels) has elected a new mayor.
He's Hispanic!!!!
It looks as if the Hispanic/Latino society is slowly being accepted/incorporated into American government positions!!!

What do you say Quig ?!


  • :DuckAndCover:

    [Edited on 19/5/2005 by Clown]
  • Hopefully in the next few years Latinos can take revenge of the War of Los Alamos (1846-48), and California, New Mexico (actually Nuevo Mexico), Arizona and the western part of Texas will be returned back to Mexico, where they belong!

    Viva Villa y viva Zapata!!!

    And in a few more years, they will hold a referendum in Florida and vote to join Cuba.

    Viva el comandante Fidel y el comandante Che Guevara!!!!

    The rest of the US shall be taken over by China.:hehe:
  • Zapata was THE man.

    Also, Cruz Bustamonte (butchered spelling) is already Lt. Governor, and nearly won the recall election. New Mexico's Governor may be of Hispanic origins as well, I can't recall.
  • .......................and the vote on those who care is just comming in...........................................er, um, HEY! HAVE YOU HAD THE CHANCE TO SAVOUR THE GOOD GOOD TASTE OF JAVA JUPS JUNGLE COFFEE YET? WELL LET ME TELL YOU................................
  • Viva Villa y viva Zapata!!!

    And in a few more years, they will hold a referendum in Florida and vote to join Cuba.

    Viva el comandante Fidel y el comandante Che Guevara!!!!

    The rest of the US shall be taken over by China.

    where is MCSF???
  • Busy trying to find a Mexican to do his yard work.

  • I'm just cleaning guns and sorting ammo for the inevitable.
  • Suicidal?
  • You are projecting. Understandable considering your heritage.
  • You can't project on something empty....
  • Touching.
  • what's more worrying: did you know that 48% of all sudanese crude oil (most of which comes from darfur) goes to china?
  • Why "more" worrying???

    Are you suggesting that having a Hispanic mayor is a problem?????
  • Hispanic .. no. But a Hispanic who puts himself as Hispanic first and American second is a bit or a worry.
  • well in all fairness its not really something new i mean after all its called Los Angeles and not The Angels
  • Quig, of course he's Hispanic first !!

    You are European (?) descendant, right ???

    The only real Americans are the ones you guys have stashed away in the so called "reservations" !!!!!:hehe:
  • Sure it is. Many people do not even bother to learn English. Billboards , in at least one case, has Los Angeles Califonia with the California x'd out and replaced by "mexico"

    Radio stations that call themselves "La Raza" translated means "The Race"

    Just what would the reaction be if a bunch of white people started a radio station called "The Race"?

    Think about it.
  • quig, summon the forces in oregon, if we put in a bit of a fight we can save washington state and the space needle, c'mon southern california is lost you hear me, lost!!!
  • I think we can hold them at the Napa county line. Yes there would be an insurgency problem from the hispanic grape pickers but we MUST defend the wine country!
  • bloody rioja:hehe:
  • To the best of my knowledge Rioja is not vinted in California. It is a combo of the Grenache and some other grap - memory fails me - but the growers seem to focus on Cab, Merlot and Zin.
  • Rioja is only vinted in the province called...... RIOJA !!!!
    It's like a Bordeaux:it has to be vinted in the Bordeaux area.

    So, Californian wine should just be caled ..... CALIFORNIA !!!!

  • I'm hip - Europe has a much better way of winemaking. I understand that on even mid grade French wines you can tell the exact field the grapes came from. I believe italian and Spanish vinters do the same but on the higher end wines.

  • Spanish wines are classified into "Denominations of origin", wine areas as "Rioja", "Ribera del Duero" or "Penedés". But in the very most of them you can read what area exactly the wine comes from.
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