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americans, stop yourselves before too late
Florida (Jeb's state) voted a bill that allows citizens to shot people if they suspect that someone is a menace for them.
"Preemptive war" in every street...
People dying every year for guns:
15 in Japan, 30 in Uk, 109 in Canada, 30.708 in Usa :o
Its like I keep telling my son - some people just need to be shot.
salvo, keep up the pressure on MCSF!!!!:D
Life is good.
Life is good. [/quote]
No problem!
So long as they all stay in America.
With any luck someone will take a shot a the Bush Bros. next time they're together in Florida, and it will be completely legal due to the afformentioned bill...
[Edited on 29/4/2005 by FlyingPanda]
Stupid ass.
"walk softly and carry a big stick" teddy roosevelt
"lead follow or get out of the way' lee
As an American I don't critisize socialzed medicine in most of Europe, I don't complain that the Germans take a month off in August and mess up my manufacturing. I don't commnent on Silvio's blatent conflict of interestin italy. I don't mention anthing about the French. Why are you complaining about our new lawes regarding shooting people. Until this law was changed you had to actually drag teh damn body INTO your house if you shot them outside otherwise the legal system said that you wheren't truly definding yourslef. Do you relaize what a royal pain int he butt it is to drag the bleedin corpse into you house with abeer in your hand? And then you gotta clean up all the blood! My god man, we're just tryin to simplify things. Shoot 'em in the grass, get some free fertilizer eliminate the clean up and you can catch some sun while th ecops are sortin it out.:spank:
You gave me another moment of being glad to life in Germany
I've been in Munich and I found it a great place
You gave me another moment of being glad to life in Germany
can you imagine my joy... for living next to Germany, instead of in it.. ;)
I l ive in a village near to cologne. But you can't compare it with Munich, NRW (the federal state) is totally different.
Come on, Holland is just a bad copy of Germany.... but let's clear that at Rotterdam Racing ;)
But it's a deal.. let's discus it @ Rotterdam racing over a Heineken.. or pick on Belgians together. :hehe: