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The Italian Job

just one thing. Some people are thinking the Minardifest trip 2005 is a Forzaminardi.com thing. Can I say that without the Minardi Club of San Francisco and it's fearless leader Emmett this would not have happened.
Those of us lucky enough to be here are in debt to Emmo and the other members of the MCSF for everything they have done.

:) :)

[Edited on 21/4/2005 by Ger]


  • Well put Ger. Neither party could do it without the other. Emmo's planning and ties to Minardi combined with RJ's inside knowledge of Italy and it's location have been indespensible as well as Forza being an excellent PR outlet.

    Minardifest 05, in partnership with ForzaMinardi.com.
  • Well said!!!

    Cheers both Emmet and RJ, aswell as help from Salvo, Without these people It would never happen.


    [Edited on 21/4/2005 by Ste]
  • Ehehehe, it was a pleasure for me. Forza Quig, forza Rj, forza Minardi.

    Didn't someone promise me some glass of wine for this weekend?:hehe:
  • Dont you wory, we will all be having a (fair few) drop(s) of vino and lemonjello!!!

  • I was going to wait until the end to do all the thank you's - and I may still do a feature length piece BUT one of the most key links is Salvo sorting the tickets out well in advance.

    That process was , if not the easiest item on the checklist, one of the ones close to the top.

    There is nothing like having an insider help!

    Mille grazie Salvo - honored to have you as a member!
  • The honour is mine, presidente!!!
    We've had a graet time, here, and when I'll go back home (if I'll survive) I'll tell everyone about it (including Jello's sexual revelation)

    see yousoon
    forza minardi:cool:

  • Landed 2.30 pm, arrived at work at 3,15.
    I'm struggling with myself to stay awake.

    This minardifest was simply fantastic.
    Friday night, when I was drinking the wine that Mr President saved for me from the dinner with Mr Minardi, I thought that was one of the coolest nights in my life.

    We really had a great time, we felt so at our ease all together, and I'd say that nobody from the putside would have guessed that was the first time we were seeing each other!

    First I want to thank Mr Robert Jan Bartunek.
    You made a miracle, mate, and I hope you realized it.
    I have new friends all round the world, and it is because of you. Grazie. Viva ForzaMinardi.com

    Then I have to thank il mio amico Emmett.
    It was great to meet you, finally, we had a great time. Thanx for all your efforts! Next time we'll meet in San Francisco.
    ps Emmett's speech about "the duties of the puking man" became for me a classic of the world literature, it sounded like shakespeare or Cicero.

    A huge GRAZIE to Murph, our artist. Your present was fantastic, maestro. My regards to Mrs Murph.

    Thanks to Ste for his energy, unfortunately an italian begger predicted to him a precocious death, but until then it's great to have him with us.
    Thanks to Ger for his contagious irish smile! bye to the Irish troops.
    Thanks to Jello for his sexual revelations, for his many glasses of wine and for his tour in the merchandise shops when Minardi was running for qualifying. You're great! (BTW, someone did say that Jello looks like his avatar)
    Grazie a Bouc and his girlfriend: we had a great time saturday night.
    Thanks to Dan for his delicious english goodmanners, good luck for minardirulejr.
    Last but not least thanks to my friend Simon, who nearly got the pole position on saturday (London-Bologna driving), but Fia disqualified him.
    When I knew Viges was coming driving from UK I finally realized that we all like this much to spend time on this board cos finally everyone of us found other people who fulfill one fondamental characteristic that we all have in common: being mad. ;)

  • for the Imola gang especially, my friend Giacinto sent me a message for you
    i translated it like this:

    dear friends,
    watching the gp with you was a great experience that I won't forget. I spent 3 fantastic days with you.
    You're a wonderful group and you have a fantastic way to follow F1.
    You must be proud of yourselves and if with my job I'll have the chance to talk about what you do and about your site, I'll do it with pleasure.
    Thanks to your site and your passion people that would have never met spent together an unforgetable holiday.
    I'm sorry I couldn't know you any better since I can't speak english
    But I'll register anyway here: obviously if you don't mind accepting a ferarista, or better, a tifoso of the other italian team.
    Hope we'll have the chance to meet again on the tracks.
    I'll let you have soon the video I taped, since you're the main actors

  • Grazie Salvo
    After 14 hours I finally got home. To each of you I say thanks. An amazing week of comradeship, Fun, Amazing sexual revelations and more fun. You are all welcome to my humble abode should you stumble this way.
    Emmo your da man!!
    RJ Grazie Mille!
    Lemonjello - what a drink!
    Ste your the champ!
    Murph dont sign a contract until I see it!
    'Rule you showed you can wear a Fiat cap and support Minardi!!
    Viges 2 marathons in two weeks it was great meeting ya!
    Salvo I hope I translate this right - La passione siciliana è venuta a Irlanda e la mia casa berremo Guiness. La grande gioia per il suo bambino nuovo.

    Ciao until the next time!

    [Edited on 26/4/2005 by Ger]
  • Gents, thanks so much. I had a blast and wasn't nicked once. 1,800 mile round trip! Maximum attack.

    Quig, Salvo and RJ you did a great thing and, obviously, we appreciate it very much.

    As Salvo says, it was a bunch of friends who, until that point, hadn't actually met face-to-face. With the meetings in Australia and Malaysia as well this website has done brilliantly.

  • Jeeeeeeeeez!

    There's gotta be a bucket around here somewhere.
  • No, no. Shhh. I definitely heard something.
  • It really was a fantastic week for all involved and I must thank not only those that organised everything but also those who just turned up like me. Everybody contributed something to make it a great event and I look forward to the next when everybody has recovered.

  • made it back safe and sound..... great to meet all of ya..... Hope our students continue to shine in school.....put me down for the next adventure!

    Salvo or RJ, could ya buy me this weeks AUTOSPRINT with the San Marino coverage? Let me know how much for the mag and postage.... my addy is

    206 High Street
    Elizabeth, PA 15037

  • will get you that magazine tomorrow Murph (the mag should be 2.50). I also bought all the sports dailies but I'm sorry to say that none of them mentioned anything related to minardi


    It was good meeting all of you, thanks for the flattering words but in all fairness none of this would have happened without quig's connections, good stuff, we'll do it again I'm sure :hehe:
  • Rj, did you already get the magazine? I can buy it as well. If you al ready did it, let me know.
  • I already did and will post it first thing tomorrow morning (it's already in an envelope with his address on it)
  • Does it cover Minardi/us/...?

    If so then I want one too!
  • not too much... just mentions them
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