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Stoddart ups the ante ?????



  • He's got no choice. A court case would take forever, meanwhile he either defies the rules, goes slowly by complying with the 04 or builds a new car.
  • Do you really think he would have made such a claim if the new car had been ready for Melbourne? The idea of illegal rules has only been born because they couldn't come up with the new machine in time.
    Or as Murph said there's more in it than one might suppose.
  • read this, maybe it will shed more light on Stoddart's motives.

    He's no idiot, we of all people shouldn't be putting him down as such. :(


  • Have you ever met a lawyer who did not tell you that you have a strong case. Especially if you're forking up the money?
    The only guy I knew who ever got anything from a lawyer was a mate at University. He was going out with a law student. I told him to his face that he was the only guy I knew who got to screw a lawyer as opposed to being screwed by one!
  • Heard a soundbite from Paul this morning on melbourne radio regarding the issue, basically his opinion and chain of events are:

    - checked with lawyers, and they feel he has a strong case
    - if the cars are deemed illegal (fail strutineering) they will appeal and race under protest
    - in the court of arbitration, he believes his appeal will be successful
    He has nothing to lose by racing under appeal.

    He gets the TV-time of the cars for his sponsors, which an unfavourable decision of the appeal can not take away.
    He also knows that the chances of scoring points in the first 3 races with the PS04 are almost null !!!!!
  • Have you ever met a lawyer who did not tell you that you have a strong case. Especially if you're forking up the money?
    Yes, I have. You've just gotta find the right one.
  • Of course Paul is not an idiot. On the contrary, I think nobody knows the Concorde Agreement better than he does with the possible exception of Mosley.
    After reading between the lines of the pitpass interview I can clearly see now that what he's doing at the moment is not just whinging for himself, it seems he's really being used by the other team directors who oppose the 'illegal' 2005 regulations to test the water to see how valid they really are.
  • and it seems to run this way:

    Minardi put forward a 2004 spec car for srcrutineering. The FIA either allows it to race, or it fails to pass. If it fails to pass then Minardi stick on all their 2005 spec bits and race the car under protest. Stoddart calims Oz jurisdiction to hear the case (with what right? - surely the contract would be bound by the laws applying in the country of its execution?) and takes everyone off to the Victorian Courts to hear his objection. What is the point of this? Oz law is as near as dammit to Pommie law so bias cannot be a consideration. Perhaps he feels that there will be more press coverage?

    I'll let you in on a little secret folks. Paul Stoddart is not in the everyday conscious in his home country. Whatever public support could be drummed up would last about as long as it takes for Melburnians to get over their GP Sunday hangovers.

    Clearly, Stoddart has hatched some sort of plan with the the rest of the rebels and intends using sensation and the media to push his cause.

    I hope it's worth it, cause I for one, feel decidedly uncomfortable about all this.
  • Mummy, mummy please make it end.....
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