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No smoking law!



  • F1 cars pollute the air more than regular cars, but I can live with that for now.
  • well, tobacco advertising is on his way out, isn't it?
  • Can't control it now, can ya big boy?

    The cocain analogy is really interesting. Particularly since it overlooks the consequences of the production and distribution of the stuff.

    The whole point here is that one social annoyance (public smoking) becomes a huge issue because a bunch of different (in agenda terms), but powerful groups choose to make it so. Average people who do not smoke find there are collateral benefits to them and join in. Viola, instant regulation.

    In most countries drunkeness is also illegal and there are laws and responsibilities with regard to licencees that require cessation of service to intoxicated customers. These laws are rarely observed properly by anyone involved (including police). The consequences of hazardous drinking are very similar to smoking with the exception that smokers rarely go looking for a punch-up after a puff.

    You could pick a zillion things that people do that affect the health or well-being of others and yet smokes are the thing right now.

    Let us project forward. Smoking is banned completely in emlightened countries in the world. Do you think that the crusaders will go away satisfied? What you really should be thinking of is what happens when the methods perfected (along with public complacency) in getting rid of smoking are applied to something that you like to do (with the exception of Quig's favourite cause).

    Don't mind me, go ahead and be part of the machine. It's your choice.
  • "I've never seen anyone drive a car in a pub"

    RJ, you need to come to Canberra, it's happened twice in the last 6 months.

    There's not many places you can enjoy a nice quiet durry these days, they tried to ban smoking in cars here at one stage. :o

    To passive smokers I say, piss off and buy your own. :D
  • Oh zip it mate, just because you are too addicted to see the truth
  • Oh zip it mate, just because you are too addicted to see the truth
    Ask the Platters: "Smoke gets in your eyes" ;)
  • Sure, but last week I saw on Dutch television a program about ‘dirty cars’. Do you know that our lives are shortened by 9-12 months because of the pollution of cars?
    But people tend to overlook the fact that cars in general are small fry compared with the amount of pollution aircraft do to the environment.
  • Ladies & Gentlemen, enjoy that informed and reasoned post from Matt; they come but twice a year.

    If we're lucky.
  • And when Mr Vigar here speaks.........even The pope puts his script down, stops talking and listens..........:P
  • I think he changed his name form Mr Vinegar:angel:
  • Ohmigod.
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