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I can't believe we lost all our messages. It's very depressing!!!!!
Rj, you have my "solidarietà".
Let's start again.
I'm a newbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to have four shining stars....:(:(:(:(:(
I hate technology:mad:;)
Any bets on whos first to 1000?
I guess we just have to rebuild the forum again.
Linus, my 1430 posts are gone as well. This is the day after for us. :mad:
QUIG, I WANT YOUR NICK BECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If everybody gets theirs back then it is ok if not then leave everybody at the same starting point I say.
[Edited on 20/11/2004 by MCSF]
Plus, I have had strangers come up to me at Indy and call me equigley!
I would hope so - who would sign the cc slip?
By the way, I was at 418, so now it should be 425!
Thanks if you can set me there again!