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  • http://www.pressetext.at/pte.mc?pte=050916019

    and some more from the interview I told you about
    There is also presstext.de and pressetext.ch, do they get this automatically from their sister site in Austria ?

    We need "Bild", do you hear us Germany :)

    Edit: Oh, well, "Bild" seems to have more interesting stories.



    Edit2: Also, until we have the press release translated, we could update the signature figure in the PR...maybe we can hit 10'000 signatures by tonight ?

    Everybody keep posting !

    I see the following territories could maybe use mails to the press and online news sites...

    - Italy
    - Canada
    - South America in general

    Look at Hungary ! Absolutely amazing number of signatures from that country, as RJ and Lease pointed out...

    Let's hit 10'000 signatures by tonight !

    Yeaahhhhh !

    [Edited on 16/9/2005 by bladerunner]
  • Ok, I've hit the German media again sending them the pressetext.at link

    Let's hope we get something. I tried:

    Autobild, Express, FAZ, Sueddeutsche.

    Can somehit the UK ?

    TheSun and other dailies would be good...
  • I contacted BILD (Yes, I tried) and posted it on shortnews.de, a community from German Newspaper STERN where users can post news. Also put it on my profile which should be watched by some users cause I'm one of the moderators.

    Süddeutsche is a very fine idea, will try to contact TAZ, a very leftwing magazin which loves to report about crazy underdogs :P
  • mailed the sun already
  • Great..

    These would be great to hit for the weekend...

    - UK yellow press (don't remember other names than Sun)

    - Italian sports dailies

    One more from Germany:

    Edit: Should have drafts ready soon:

    - A4 Flyer "What YOU can do to help Minardi"
    - A4 Flyer "Why SAVE Minardi ? A Primer/FAQ sheet "

    [Edited on 16/9/2005 by bladerunner]
  • i was told that it made the news in italy already, could salvo confirm?
  • One from Japan ? My Japanese is rusty, unsure :)


    Looks like "Forza Minardi" mentioned, ....but there's no link !

    What a pity, many others quote this as trackback...will try to add it to the comments there.

    Edit: These 2 seem to be virgin...




    Could be useful because they are translated into so many languages..

    Can someone lend a hand, thanks. I need to work on the 2 documents (FAQ/Help sheet) and leave at 22:00 CET tonight..

    Will continue tomorrow.

    [Edited on 16/9/2005 by bladerunner]
  • Document 1: Press release for mainstream press

    RJ has posted one here for comments:


    Any PR specialists out there ;) ?

    This is the document for the mainstream press.

    Document 2 would be for people signing the petition and wanting to help

    Document 3 would be for the mainstream press (so they can educate readers).

    I don't have time tonight, so this is just some keywords, titles with possible


    Document 2: What YOU can do to help Minardi ?

    - Link to petition, create ad banners, audio/video clips, design flags, posters...

    - Add link to petition in forums, blogs, mention it in your forum

    - E-mail your local sports paper, paper, magazine with this press release:
    -> We could provide templates with sample letters in .doc / PDF format:

    - Translate these 3 documents (links to PDF) into your language:

    - Show up at 3 remaining F1 races with huge support banners

    - Inform your local TV stations to mention petition -> KEY

    - Hit the F1 print press

    - Show this to any journalist. One of your acquintances certainly
    a journalist...show them this press release !


    Document 3: Why SAVE Minardi ? A Primer/FAQ sheet

    * Why is Minardi worth saving ?

    1. True privateer team: Little budget

    2. Fighting spirit as Underdog
    Fought year after year (sponsors not paying etc. you know the stories),

    3. Love of the sport / Sportmanship

    4. Entry point to F1
    Half of starter grid started at Minardi
    -> Alonso etc.
    Do you want a drink company marketing department
    to choose who merits to enter F1 ?

    5. Heritage: 20 years of F1 history, Gian-Carlo Minardi as person

    * Isn't Minardi a looser team ?

    1. Even recently, Minardi beat Toyota ($ 800 million gorilla, then the 3rd largest
    now the 2nd largest auto company on the planet) in Toyota's
    maiden year in F1

    2. Past Minardi may appear weak today due to cost explosion in F1 in recent, but had
    successed (Phoenix, Martini, 93' season...)

    3. "Bang for the buck", Championship points / Annual Team budget, Minardi
    was and is one of the most efficient teams on the grid...

    4. 2008 could bring cost reduction, "renaissance for teams with small budgets"

    5. Car companies may leave quickly, F1 needs privateer teams in the future...

    Each of the documents shouldn't be longer than 1 sheet in my view, so it's concise
    and actually gets read by journalists.

    For all 3 documents, we obviously need as many translators as possible as soon
    as the English version is ready. I can do German because RJ has enough other work I guess...

    Anyway, these are just ideas and drafts....
  • i was told that it made the news in italy already, could salvo confirm?
    I only found a link to the Italian petition here so far...



    BTW, the Google news sites are a good way to control if there are any new stories posted and which sites still can be targeted...




    [Edited on 16/9/2005 by bladerunner]
  • Good list of UK press here...


    I guess some more in these 2 countries would help conquer Westen Europe for good :)

    - France
    - Italy (or was it in the print press only and not visible online ?)

    Off to bed, too tired :)
  • Malaysia's main f1 site, pitstop.com.my are running the full press release as their main story

  • will have another interview with a local radio station tomorrow. they broadcast in the west of austria and the alto adige region of italy
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