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I want to learn italian!

So, please, can somebody tell me any web page to learn the very basics of italian? My mother language is spanish and I also know catalan, so i guess i could try to understand it sooner or later.



  • This one was okay but I eneded up taking a class - off for the summer but I will be back at it come the fall

  • join the italian forzaminardi.com forum!;)
  • Exczac, start studying
    e scoprirai che l'italiano è molto simile allo spagnolo. Dopo poco tempo potrai leggere l'italiano e comprenderlo facilmente.

    Ask me for any doubt you have got
  • Ex, nooooooooooooooooo! They're bad people.

    Except for the good ones.
  • Thanks every one. I cand hardly understand a 50% reading italian. Listeing is another history.

    I will visit the the italian forum, just as neil_s said. But i guess you use some kind of contractions, just like any other language, that are not "legal", some kind of vulgar way of writing to make it faster. I dont know if you got my point...

    Besides, the web page that MCSF posted seems very useful. It will be a good initiation for me.

    Thanks again!
  • Exzack like you i am not an Italian but can use a word or two, when there are contactions you just ask what they are and we'll try to explain.

    at the moment the Italian forum seems to be in a hybernating mode so the more we are writing there the better... so try to write something... we will not shoot you...

    (only kill you:P)
  • I can only go in there and ask how all of you are doing, order a cafe and tell you what day and time it is. I di dnot learn that much my first semester!
  • it's not true, Quig, you're much better than this.
    The italian forum has been in a hybernating mode, as neil says, because of my son:hehe:
    Now I'm back;)
  • Ziiiiitto zitto zitto zitto zitto!:hehe:
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